Group Outing on Qing Ming Festival

Apr. 08, 2021
Group Outing on Qing Ming Festival

The first weekend in April every year isn't just another weekend, it marks the beginning of Spring (the solar term the Spring Equinox) and the day when we pay tribute to our gone loved ones (the Tomb-sweeping Festival). But more importantly, it's always a great time to go out, embracing nature. So here we are, going out as a team to explore, to laugh, and to have fun.

Group Outing on Qing Ming Festival
As scorching as it was that day, we, as a team, still managed to complete the round-trip of the famous 4km Red Ribbon Bridge. Feet burining, back aching, and sweat pouring, but the view was totally worth it!

Group Outing on Qing Ming Festival

But the real highlight was the kite-flying in the afternoon: unwrap the package, tie the string, and make the kite, all done with team efforts. It was always the process that counts the most.

Group Outing on Qing Ming Festival

But of course, we alwasy get a good result. Check out how happy and enjoying we were!

Group Outing on Qing Ming Festival

And finaly, everyone's kite was high in the sky, hovering. In this wonderful begining of the Spring, we wish Encore could also take off and fly as high as our beautiful kites!

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